Vom 14. bis 20.12. 2012 findet an der türkischen Riviera im exklusiven Gloria Golf Resort das außergewöhnlichste ProAm-Golftunier des Jahres statt. Man spielt insgesamt vier Golf-Runden mit unterschiedlichen Pros. Zum Beispiel mit dem Schweden Magnus Persson Atlevi, dem Engländer Martin LeMesurier oder mit ‚World Long Driving Champion‘ Sandra Carlborg (Aktueller Rekord: 347 Meter). Aus Deutschland ist Marcel Haremza dabei.

Wir trafen Markus Westerberg, welcher als Golfprofi der Tunierdirektor für das ProAm ‚ChristmasClassics‘ in Belek sein wird und uns erzählte, was man in Belek zu erwarten hat!
1. When did you start with the planning for the tournament and why at Gloria?
We started planning December last year when we saw the possibilities of the weather, dates and Gloria Golf Resort. A reason for creating the Cristmas Classics is giving keen amateur golfer an opportunity to play in proper tournament conditions. That´s why we have employed a professional Tournament Director.
2. What would you say is the difference to other ProAM Tournaments?
I would definitely say the format.
3. Is there any minimum handicap required?
For the duration of the tournament a maximum handicap of 18 will be imposed. Keen golfers just above the limit may participate in the event competing off handicap 18.
4. The winning purse is 50.000 €. Is it needed to inform the European tour or any other organization when running such a tournament?
Not to my knowledge. We are a single event not part of any tour.
5. Can you explain a bit more the format of the ProAM Experience?
The 1+3+1 days that provides amateurs a full day of practice with professional advice (day 1), three days of a professionally run competition (days 2-4) and the finishing social, but competitive classical four ball pro am format on the last day.
To complete the experience our pros are carefully selected from a playing ability aspect as well as the social aspect. To make the field even more colourful we are inviting men and women professionals.
6. 18 Pros will attend the Tournament – can you share already any confirmed Pro-Names? The Pros all switch each day into another flight?
Magnus Persson Atlevi (Sweden) is our most experienced professional with almost 30 years of tournament golf to his name. He is the third youngest in British Open history to play all four rounds.
Martin LeMesurier (England) has many international victories to his name.
Marcel Haremza (Germany) dominated the EPD tour this year and has experience from the Challenge and European tours.
Sandra Carlborg is the reigning and two time World Long Driving Champion with a record of 347 meters.
7. What nations are the Pros are primarily coming from?
Pros are from Germany, Sweden, England, Russia mainly.
8. How would you describe the new Course at Gloria?
I would say the new course at Gloria is the perfect venue for a pro am. The course is a challenge for professionals, yet not too hard for the amateur players, this is really a key aspect. Apart from that, layout and condition is top class and finishing holes 9 and 18 are spectacular closing par fives where anything can happen.
9. ‚Besides ChristmasClassics’ are there any other ProAMs on the horizon you are planning?
Yes, in fact we are in preparation stages of hosting more events that gives the keen amateurs a chance to play tournaments with a professional set up.
10. Pro-Am participants will get a glimpse of what it is like to be a PGA TOUR professional for nearly a week while competing – isn’t that very unique?
Exactly, like I said before, this is unheard of and it will be very interesting to present a tournament like this to the golfing public.
11. Hospitality – what are the special treatments coming with booking the ChristmasClassics?
Well, this is partly a surprise on our behalf, but to put it mildely – there will be no lack of service, anywhere.
ZUM ARTIKEL: Dezember Golf-Highlight: ChristmasClassics Pro-Am in Belek